Meet the UK ORGANIC Team!

We're a dedicated and passionate team with an extensive knowledge of organic.

Cristina Dimetto

Managing Director

Maria Taffurelli

AFP & Comms Manager

Louise Winter

Finance Manager

Tom Carne

Business Support

Annie Seeley

Special Projects

Board Of Directors

Our directors are from across the industry and the board includes a representative from both of the major UK Certification bodies, OF&G and SA Certification.

Adrian Carne

UK Organic Chairman

Paul Moore


Roger Kerr, Organic Farmers & Growers (OF&G)

UK Organic Financial Director

Dominic Robinson

Soil Association Certification

Catriona Mantle


Lucy Todd

My Little Green Wardrobe

Hazel Hunt

Ethical Food Company

Adam Forrest

Scotland Food & Drink


Our working groups are formed by Affiliate Supporters. We strive to have representation from each sector of the organic industry and invite Affiliate Supporters to apply to be part of the working groups. Should your organisation be interested in joining please contact our Managing Director.
Please note: different T&C apply for each group.


The Marketing group is tasked to develop the annual marketing campaign and Organic September campaign. Affiliate Supporters can apply to be part of the committee by contacting the UK Organic Managing Director.

  • Cristina Dimetto, Managing Director – UK Organic
  • Catriona Mantle, OTB Marketing Director – Arla
  • Nicola Turner – EcotoneWhole Earth
  • Hazel Hunt – Ethical Food Company
  • Lucy Todd – My Little Green Wardrobe

OTB Working Groups


The Retailer Engagement is a sub-group of the Marketing Committee, tasked to work with retailers on their plans and strategies to support organic products and brands.  

  • Cristina Dimetto, Managing Director – UK Organic
  • Hazel Hunt – Ethical Food Company
  • Oliver Watts – RB Organic
  • Mark Haynes – Soil Association
  • Adrian Carne & Gareth Cooper – Yeo Valley

Formed in 2022, following our partnership with Global Organic Textile Standards (GOTS), the Textile Group works to launch specific initiatives to raise awareness and sales of proven certified organic textile products. 

  • Cristina Dimetto, Managing Director – UK Organic
  • Christopher Stopes – GOTS, Global Organic Textile Standard
  • Lucinda Popp & Will Dennis – Daylesford / Bamford
  • William Lana & Lisa New – Greenfibres
  • Lucy Todd – My Little Green Wardrobe
  • Susie Hewson – Natracare
  • Sophie Robinson & Grace Cook – Soil Association Certification
  • Maria Taffurelli, AFP & Comms Manager – UK Organic
  • Max Wiseberg – HayMax
  • Abi Weeds – Odylique
  • Graeme Hulme – Pravera