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Feed Your Happy campaign to launch in Organic September

By 26 July 2017May 24th, 2022No Comments

We are pleased to announce that our EU-funded campaign, #FeedYourHappy, will go live in September when adverts and messaging will appear outside supermarkets, roadsides, in the press and digitally. We will spend £1.2 million in September alone, in support of the organic sector.

The campaign focusses on the emotional appeal of organic supported by a carefully timed PR push. The aim is for all organic businesses to benefit from positive, organic messaging to compliment the activities of brands, certifiers and all who are engaged in the Soil Association’s Organic September.

In August, a #FeedYourHappy toolkit will be available on our website including logos, social media assets and messaging to help everyone work together to raise the profile of organic and amplify the campaign.

Sara Cox, one of the UK’s best loved BBC presenters, is the face of campaign. Sara will be sharing her happy food stories to celebrate the joy of eating organic food and will be encouraging the nation to join in and share their stories too. #FeedYourHappy aims to boost the UK organic market by 5% each year until the campaign ends in 2020.