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Oak Awards event, 25 October, Yeo Valley Canteen

By 10 October 2018June 17th, 2022No Comments

This year the first ever Oak Award will be presented at a prestigious, black tie event at Yeo Valley Canteen on 25 October (6.30-11.00pm) with a drinks reception, three course meal and more. All proceeds from this event will raise funds for the Organic Research Centre.*

The award recognises outstanding contribution to the organic sector made by an individual. As such it shines a light on excellence and innovation in the UK organic sector.

Speakers include Geetie Singh-Watson who set up the Duke of Cambridge, the UK’s first certified organic pub (which recently celebrated it’s 20th anniversary).

There are five nominees for the Oak Award who have been shortlisted and will be announced soon.

Many tickets tickets have been sold and there are some still available, if you would like to book a place to come and celebrate these shining lights of the organic sector, click here. Tickets need to be booked by 15 October.

*The Organic Research Centre undertakes invaluable research into organic methods of farming.