The latest Organic Market Report from the Soil Association shows that the organic market has continued to grow in 2019 with the market increasing by +4.5% year on year, reaching total sales of £2.45bn for the first time.
Soil Association have shared a few key highlights from the report:
Soil Association Certification licensees’ sales are up +8%, well ahead of the overall organic market
Sales through home delivery and box schemes continues to be the fastest growing channel, with an 11.2% increase
The organic market is set to exceed £2.5 billion by the end of 2020.

The report takes an in-depth look at trends driving growth, and assesses performance by category and channel to market. It focuses on food trends and shopper habits, revealing how a rise in ‘planet-centric’ thinking is informing changing shopping behaviour.
Clare McDermott, the Soil Association Certifications’s Business development Director commented:
“We’re really pleased to see continued strong and steady growth in the organic market, which is outperforming the general market trend. Soil Association Certification licensees are excelling even further, leading the way in developing innovative products and routes to market that help meet the increasing interest from shoppers who want to choose more sustainable products.”
The The strongest growth in the organic market in 2019 was seen in home delivery (11.2%) foodservice (+8.3%) and independent retailers (+6.5). To find out more about the drivers behind these figures and more, you can register for the Organic Market report 2020 briefing (10am – 1pm, Thursday 27th February at The Foundation, Triodos Bank, Bristol, BS1 5BE).