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Booming organic sales in the Nordics

By 31 March 2021May 28th, 2022No Comments

Organic in Denmark

Latest news from Nordic organic News in the last week where according to a new report from supermarket almost 15% of all food sold in Danish supermarkets are organic. Organic sales over-perform online too so it’s not a surprise to find that online sales are even higher and at 42%.

Commercial Director at, Lars Rasmussen comments: “We have a large organic product range. Customers have 10 times as many organic products to choose from, compared to discount stores. Our customers also live in areas where organic is part of the norm.”

Organic increase in Norway during 2020

During 2020, the number of companies producing, processing and selling organic products in Norway increased by 3.73%.

“This is really positive for the increasing demand for organic food on the Norwegian market”, says Debios General Manager, Ole Petter Bernhus.

The Finnish organic association Pro Luomu celebrates their 10 year anniversary. Organic has come a long way during these ten years and sales of organic food has since the launch increased by 150%. Organic farmland has increased by 70% and consumers buying organic once per week has increased by 50%.

“Pro Luomu has succeeded in bringing the industry together and growing the market. The good co-operation of the food chain has constantly provided new opportunities, and it is much easier for consumers to buy organic”, says Ilkka Alarotu, Chairman, Pro Luomu.

They have also just reported that organic sales exceeded 400 million EUR in Finland during 2020!

Organic products in the retail sector reached €409 million in 2020, estimates trade association Pro Luomu. This is an increase of 9.7% from the previous year.

“Consumer trends and recent research support organic growth. Climate-change and biodiversity are emerging as strong debates. As organic has proved to promote biodiversity, it is likely to further strengthen the demand for organic products. However, a necessary prerequisite for sales growth is a growing a developing range of organic products”, says Aura Lamminparras, Executive Director of Pro Luomu.

You can download the report (in Finnish) here.

Latest sales figures for organic in Sweden

In the wake of the pandemic, new trends have emerged in Sweden, according to Livsmedelsföretagens Konjukturbrev.

Consumers have been buying more premium products in supermarkets, potentially to compensate not being able to eat out at restaurants. However, topping the trend list are Swedish and locally produced products.

1. Swedish / Local products
2. Premium products
3. Health products
4. Sustainable products
5. Private label products

Download the full report (in Swedish) here.

These updates are from Nordic Organic Food Fair newsletter, you can register to receive a copy here.

You can follow their updates on LinkedIn here.

The Nordic Organic food Fair will be on 17-18 November 2021 in MalmöMässan, find out more here.