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DJEP – Replacement of Protein in Cattle Feed

By 8 June 2023No Comments


DJEP is an organic dairy farm with three hundred milking cows as well as other younger stock which are incredibly expensive to feed, being organic further adds to this cost so DJEP are constantly looking at ways to make efficiencies where possible. When feeding cattle in an organic dairy farm it is very difficult to naturally introduce protein into the diet to ensure adequate levels of milk production, this is especially prevalent in the winter months when the cattle are indoors without access to grazing.

The only solution has been to buy in a protein additive that is introduced into the cattle feed. This is expensive and has a direct impact on the profit margins for the milk production.

The aim for this project is to maintain the volume of milk produced by the farm without the need to buy addional protein subsidies to be added to the livestock diet.

Read the full report here